Financial Assistance

Important Information

Please read through the provided financial assistance resources below prior to scheduling an appointment with a DSO.

Review: Scholarships and Fellowship Grants Paid to Nonresident Aliens Students and Scholars

  • Search and apply for scholarships using a new university-wide scholarship application system. This system is currently only available for a limited of departments.

    Bobcat Online Scholarship System

  • .There are a scholarships or grants that are available to international students. F-1 students are not eligible for financial aid. However, most competitive scholarships at Texas State may be awarded regardless of whether or not the student is a US citizen or an F-1 student.

    Please visit the Financial Aid and Scholarships Website for information to apply for Texas State Scholarships.

    Also, check within your own departments for scholarships.

    Student Government Scholarship

    The Student Government scholarship is awarded by merit of leadership, community involvement and overall strength as a student at Texas State. Applications for the Student Government scholarship are open to all Texas State students who meet the criteria. The Student Government Scholarship was created to assist middle class students whose families struggle to pay for the demanding cost of higher education. The maximum individual scholarship award for current Texas State students continuing in the 2018-2019 academic year is $2,000. All eligible Texas State University students may apply. Scholarship link will be sent through email from the Student Body President through VPSA.

    Continuing Student Scholarships

    Texas State offers a variety of academic scholarships to continuing, certification and second baccalaureate students. These scholarships are awarded competitively and require the submission of a Continuing Scholarship Application via the Texas State Scholarship System online. Click here for more information.

    Good Neighbor Scholarship

    This scholarship is a 12 month award that provides tuition assistance to students from nations of the Western Hemisphere. The Good Neighbor Scholarship deadline is March 1, click here to apply.

    Antigua & BarbudaArgentinaBahamasBarbadosBelize (British Honduras)
    Costa RicaDominicaDominican RepublicEcuadorEl Salvador
    PeruSaint Kitts & NevisSt. LuciaSt. Vincent & the GrenadinesSuriname
    Trinidad and TobagoUruguayVenezuela  

    Graduate Scholarships and Fellowships

    Apply for scholarships and fellowships for new and continuing graduate students at Texas State University. Click here for more information

    Graduate Funding Opportunities Database: Click here for more information

    Undergraduate Research Fellowships (URF)

    Undergraduate Research Fellowships (URF) support undergraduate research and creative projects at Texas State University. Every semester the URF committee awards between 5 and 10 competitive scholarships of up to $1000 to students seeking funding for their projects. Fellowships are awarded for projects such as Honors theses and independent studies as well as for Capstone projects or for original work done under the umbrella of faculty-directed research.  Undergraduates of all majors are eligible. Membership in the Honors College is not required to apply.

    Click here to apply URF scholarship

  • Review: On-Campus Employment website

  • When a student is faced with the financial effects of an emergency and has exhausted all other means of assistance, they may be eligible for one-time emergency funding assistance. 

    Additional information about CARE Center Services Emergency Funding can be found on the Dean of Students website.

  • Search for funding opportunities  

    • Graduate Funding Opportunities (GFO) Database
    • Pivotâ„¢ Funding Database
  • If you meet the eligibility requirements, you may apply for an Emergency Loan Plan to use as your down payment.  Once you have been approved for the loan, you must enroll in the Payment Plan using your Emergency Loan Plan as your down payment.

    Additional information about the Emergency Loan Plan can be found on the Emergency Loan Application page.

  • Pre-Completion OPT is work authorization that is granted to an F-1 student prior to the completion of her/his studies. Students who are granted pre-completion OPT must comply with all of these conditions:

    1. Part-time (20 hours a week or less) during the fall or spring semesters.

    2. Full or part-time during summer vacation if you are currently enrolled and intend to register for the following semester.

    3. Full-time during fall or spring if you have completed all coursework and are in the thesis, dissertation or comprehensive exams only phase of your degree.

    Review the OPT website for more information.

  • If other employment opportunities are not available or are otherwise insufficient, an eligible F-1 student may request off-campus employment work authorization based upon severe economic hardship caused by unforeseen circumstances beyond the student's control. These circumstances may include loss of financial aid or on-campus employment without fault on the part of the student, substantial fluctuations in the value of currency or exchange rate, inordinate increases in tuition and/or living costs, unexpected changes in the financial condition of the student's source of support, medical bills, or other substantial and unexpected expenses.

    Review more information on Severe Economic Hardship employment authorization.

  • Application Currently Available

    The purpose of the Texas Public Education Grant emergency funding is to assist international non-resident students who demonstrate significant financial need. Emergency funding is insufficient to meet all educational expenses and is only intended to be supplemental funds. Awardees will be granted a one-time award of up to $2,000.00 per semester for a maximum of two semesters. 

    Review the University Policy on Scholarships and Fellowship Grants Paid to Nonresident Aliens Students and Scholars.

  • For instructions on how to enroll in a payment plan, pay your installments, schedule payments or manually make payments against your billing account, please visit the Financial Aid and Scholarships website.